Alternate cover
Back cover
16-page booklet (in German) and BD
Feature DVD and bonus DVD
and OST vinyl cover reprint
Let's sing !Levantando en aire los sombrerosLifting our sombreros up in the air
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Pintaremos de rojo sol y cielosWe'll paint the sun and sky in red
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Hay que ganar muriendo, pistolerosYou must win dying, gunmen
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Hay que morir venciendo, guerrillerosYou must die triumphant, guerrillas
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Luchando con el hambre, sin dinerosFighting while hungry, without money
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Estudiantes, rebeldes, bandolerosStudents, rebels, bandits
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Hermanos somos reyes y obrerosWe are brothers, kings and workmen
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros !Let's go and kill, comrade !
Backside of OST vinyl cover reprint
Insert and backside of booklet