Monty Python's Flying Circus (TV) (1969-1974)
Classic of British ComedyDirector: John Howard Davies; Ian MacNaughton
Extras:Disc 1
- "Whither Canada"
- "Sex & Violence"
- "How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away"
'Nudge Nudge' Live (2:51)
'Silly Occupations' - clips selection (3:20)
'Meet the Chaps' - Biographies
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
Pythonisms - glossary
Web link
Disc 2
- "Owl-Stretching Time"
- "Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century"
- "It's the Arts"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:38)
'Crunchy Frog' Live (4:03)
'Hysterical Figures' - clips selection (4:37)
Web link
Disc 3
- "You're No Fun Anymore"
- "Full Frontal Nudity"
- "The Ant, and Introduction"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:06)
'Lumberjack' Live (1:51)
'The Talent Show' - clips selection (5:05)
Pythonisms - glossary
Web link
Disc 4
- "Untitled"
- "The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom"
- "The Naked Ant"
- "Intermission"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Pythonolympics' - clips selection (4:01)
'Montykaraoke' (1:10)
'Albatross' Live (1:30)
Disc 5
- "Face the Press"
- "The Spanish Inquisition"
- "Deja vu"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (2:58)
'Silly Walk' Live (2:39)
'Naught Bits' - clips selection (5:11)
Disc 6
- "The Buzz Aldrin Show"
- "Live from the Grill-o-mat"
- "It's a Living"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Monty Queries' - clips selection (5:09)
'Tutor Manners' - clips selection (3:53)
Disc 7
- "The Attila the Hun Show"
- "Archaeology Today"
- "How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (3:02)
'Communist Quiz' Live (3:21)
'Pepperpots' - clips selection (4:19)
Disc 8
- "Scott of the Sahara"
- "How Not to be Seen"
- "Spam"
- "Royal Episode 1"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Poofy Judges' Live (1:31)
'Montykaraoke' (1:25)
'And Now...The BBC' - clips selection (4:01)
Disc 9
- "Whicker's World"
- "Mr & Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular"
- "The Money Programme"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:23)
'Argument Sketch' Live (2:45)
'Pet Peeves' - clips selection (2:30)
Disc 10
- "Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror"
- "The All-England Summarise Proust Competition"
- "The War Against Pornography"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Travel Agent' Live (2:04)
'Amazing Feats' - clips selection (6:55)
Disc 11
- "Salad Days"
- "The Cycling Tour"
- "The Nude Organist"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:55)
'Spriechen zie Python?' - clips selection (3:37)
'Explosive Situations' - clips selection (3:59)
Disc 12
- "Henry Thripshaw's Disease"
- "Dennis Moore"
- "A Book at Bedtime"
- "Grandstand"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Spriechen zie Python?' - clips selection (5:31)
'Montykaraoke' (0:51)
'The Cleese Shop' - clips selection (1:21)
Disc 13
- "The Golden Age of Ballooning"
- "Michael Ellis"
- "The Light Entertainment War"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (3:00)
'Fliegender Zirkus' - clips selection (2:01)
'Linguistic Lashings' - clips selection (2:26)
Disc 14
- "Hamlet"
- "Mr. Neutron"
- "Party Political Broadcast"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Life of Python' - 30th Anniversary clips (2:20)
'Babbling Blokes' - clips selection (3:18) -
Subtitles:English HoH
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:NTSC
Soundtrack(s):Dolby Digital 2.0 dual mono
Case type:Special Case
Notes:Released as "Monty Python's Flying Circus: Mega Set", 14 disc boxset.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:Disc 1
- "Whither Canada"
- "Sex & Violence"
- "How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away"
'Nudge Nudge' Live (2:51)
'Silly Occupations' - clips selection (3:20)
'Meet the Chaps' - Biographies
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
Pythonisms - glossary
Disc 2
- "Owl-Stretching Time"
- "Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century"
- "It's the Arts"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:38)
'Crunchy Frog' Live (4:03)
'Hysterical Figures' - clips selection (4:37)
Disc 3
- "You're No Fun Anymore"
- "Full Frontal Nudity"
- "The Ant, and Introduction"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:06)
'Lumberjack' Live (1:51)
'The Talent Show' - clips selection (5:05)
Pythonisms - glossary
Disc 4
- "Untitled"
- "The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom"
- "The Naked Ant"
- "Intermission"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Pythonolympics' - clips selection (4:01)
'Montykaraoke' (1:10)
'Albatross' Live (1:30)
Disc 5
- "Face the Press"
- "The Spanish Inquisition"
- "Deja vu"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (2:58)
'Silly Walk' Live (2:39)
'Naught Bits' - clips selection (5:11)
Disc 6
- "The Buzz Aldrin Show"
- "Live from the Grill-o-mat"
- "It's a Living"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Monty Queries' - clips selection (5:09)
'Tutor Manners' - clips selection (3:53)
Disc 7
- "The Attila the Hun Show"
- "Archaeology Today"
- "How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (3:02)
'Communist Quiz' Live (3:21)
'Pepperpots' - clips selection (4:19)
Disc 8
- "Scott of the Sahara"
- "How Not to be Seen"
- "Spam"
- "Royal Episode 1"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Poofy Judges' Live (1:31)
'Montykaraoke' (1:25)
'And Now...The BBC' - clips selection (4:01)
Disc 9
- "Whicker's World"
- "Mr & Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular"
- "The Money Programme"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:23)
'Argument Sketch' Live (2:45)
'Pet Peeves' - clips selection (2:30)
Disc 10
- "Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror"
- "The All-England Summarise Proust Competition"
- "The War Against Pornography"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Travel Agent' Live (2:04)
'Amazing Feats' - clips selection (6:55)
Disc 11
- "Salad Days"
- "The Cycling Tour"
- "The Nude Organist"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (1:55)
'Spriechen zie Python?' - clips selection (3:37)
'Explosive Situations' - clips selection (3:59)
Disc 12
- "Henry Thripshaw's Disease"
- "Dennis Moore"
- "A Book at Bedtime"
- "Grandstand"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Spriechen zie Python?' - clips selection (5:31)
'Montykaraoke' (0:51)
'The Cleese Shop' - clips selection (1:21)
Disc 13
- "The Golden Age of Ballooning"
- "Michael Ellis"
- "The Light Entertainment War"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Gillianimations' - animated clips selection (3:00)
'Fliegender Zirkus' - clips selection (2:01)
'Linguistic Lashings' - clips selection (2:26)
Disc 14
- "Hamlet"
- "Mr. Neutron"
- "Party Political Broadcast"
'Meet the Chaps' - biographies
'A Trivial Quest' - trivia game
'Gilliam's Attic' - art gallery
'Life of Python' - 30th Anniversary clips (2:20)
'Babbling Blokes' - clips selection (3:18)
Disc 15
- "Live at the Hollywood Bowl"
- "Live at Aspen"
'Pithy Post-Python Performances' - filmographies
Pythonisms - glossary
'Bleeding Critics' - clips selection (3:52)
Disc 16
- "Parrot Sketch Not Included: 20 Years of Python"
- "Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus: German Episode #1"
'Pithy Post-Python Performances' - filmographies
'Bleeding Critics - Encore' - clips selection (1:39)
'Confusing Musings' - clips selection (2:06) -
Subtitles:English HoH
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:NTSC
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 dual mono
Case type:Special Case
Notes:Released as "Monty Python's Flying Circus - 16 Ton Megaset", 16 disc boxset.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:Disc 1
1. Whither Canada? (31:18)
2. Sex and Violence (33:01)
3. How to Recognise Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away (30:54)
4. Owl-Stretching Time (29:11)
5. Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the 20th Century (28:53)
6. The BBC Entry for the Zinc Stoat of Budapest a.k.a. It's the Arts (29:32)
7. You're No Fun Anymore (29:49)
Disc 2
8. Full Frontal Nudity (29:03)
9. The Ant, an Introduction (28:50)
10. Untitled (30:38)
11. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom (30:57)
12. The Naked Ant (31:33)
13. Intermission (29:24) -
Subtitles:Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono
Hungarian Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono
Polish Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono (Voice Over) -
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:Disks also encoded for Regions 4 & 5. Poor image quality - too many episodes on one disk, resulting in compression artefacts. All the seasons are also available in one boxed set.
Special thanks to Rewind user marlan for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:Disc 1
14. Dinsdale! a.k.a. Face the Press! (30:14)
15. The Spanish Inquisition (30:15)
16. Déjà Vu (30:08)
17. The Buzz Aldrin Show (30:07)
18. Live from the Grill-o-Mat (29:56)
19. It's a Living (29:52)
20. The Attila the Hun Show (27:30)
Disc 2
21. Archaeology Today (29:27)
22. How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body (30:06)
23. Scott of the Antarctic (29:51)
24. How Not to Be Seen (29:09)
25. Spam (30:29)
26. Royal Episode 13 (30:13) -
Subtitles:Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:Disks also encoded for Regions 4 & 5. Poor image quality – too many episodes on one disk, resulting in compression artefacts. All the seasons are also available in one boxed set.
Special thanks to Rewind user marlan for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:Disc 1
27. Njorl's Saga a.k.a. Whicker's World (30:55)
28. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular (29:11)
29. The Money Programme (28:47)
30. Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror (29:59)
31. The All-England Summarise Proust Competition (30:47)
32. The War Against Pornography (28:28)
33. Salad Days (28:43)
Disc 2
34. The Cycling Tour (31:05)
35. The Nude Man a.k.a. The Nude Organist (30:45)
36. E. Henry Thripshaw's Disease (27:55)
37. Dennis Moore (31:28)
38. A Book at Bedtime (26:49)
39. The British Showbiz Awards a.k.a. Grandstand (26:40) -
Subtitles:Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:Disks also encoded for Regions 4 & 5. Poor image quality - too many episodes on one disk, resulting in compression artefacts. All the seasons are also available in one boxed set.
Special thanks to Rewind user marlan for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
40. The Golden Age of Ballooning (28:10)
41. Michael Ellis (28:48)
42. The Light Entertainment War (30:19)
43. Hamlet (27:27)
44. Mr. Neutron (27:37)
45. Party Political Broadcast (28:18) -
Subtitles:Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:Disc also encoded for Regions 4 & 5.
Also available as part of a complete series boxset. -
Special thanks to Rewind user marlan for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:Disc 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Whither Canada?
Season 1, Episode 2: Sex and Violence
Season 1, Episode 3: How to Recognise Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away
Season 1, Episode 4: Owl-Stretching Time
Season 1, Episode 5: Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the 20th Century
Disc 2
Season 1, Episode 6: The BBC Entry for the Zinc Stoat of Budapest
Season 1, Episode 7: You're No Fun Anymore
Season 1, Episode 8: Full Frontal Nudity
Season 1, Episode 9: The Ant, an Introduction
Season 1, Episode 10: Untitled
Disc 3
Season 1, Episode 11: Letter (a.k.a. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom)
Season 1, Episode 12: Falling from building (a.k.a. The Naked Ant)
Season 1, Episode 13: Intermission
Season 2, Episode 1: Face the press (ak.a. Dinsdale!)
Season 2, Episode 2: Man-powered flight (a.k.a. The Spanish Inquisition)
Disc 4
Season 2, Episode 3: A bisshop rehearsing (a.k.a. Deja Vu)
Season 2, Episode 4: Architect sketch (a.k.a. The Buzz Aldrin Show)
Season 2, Episode 5: Live from the Grill-o-Mat
Season 2, Episode 6: It's a Living
Season 2, Episode 7: The Attila the Hun Show
Disc 5
Season 2, Episode 8: Archaeology Today
Season 2, Episode 9: How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body
Season 2, Episode 10: French subtitled film (a.k.a. Scott of the Antarctic)
Season 2, Episode 11: Conquistador coffee campaign (ak.a. How Not to Be Seen)
Season 2, Episode 12: The black eagle (a.k.a. Spam)
Disc 6
Season 2, Episode 13: The Queen will be watching (a.k.a. Royal Episode 13)
Season 3, Episode 1: Whicker's world (a.k.a. Njorl's Saga)
Season 3, Episode 2: Emigration from Surbiton to Hounslow (a.k.a. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular)
Season 3, Episode 3: The Money Programme
Season 3, Episode 4: Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror
Disc 7
Season 3, Episode 5: The All-England Summarise Proust Competition
Season 3, Episode 6: The War Against Pornography
Season 3, Episode 7: Salad Days
Season 3, Episode 8: The Cycling Tour
Season 3, Episode 9: The Nude Man
Disc 8
Season 3, Episode 10: E. Henry Thripshaw's Disease
Season 3, Episode 11: Dennis Moore
Season 3, Episode 12: A Book at Bedtime
Season 3, Episode 13: The British Showbiz Awards
Season 4, Episode 1: The Golden Age of Ballooning
Disc 9
Season 4, Episode 2: Michael Ellis
Season 4, Episode 3: The Light Entertainment War
Season 4, Episode 4: Hamlet
Season 4, Episode 5: Mr. Neutron
Season 4, Episode 6: Party Political Broadcast -
Subtitles:Spanish or Catalan
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):Dolby Digital 2.0 dual mono
Case type:Special Case
Special thanks to Rewind user Spiny Norman for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Extras:Disc 1
1. Whither Canada? (31:18)
2. Sex and Violence (33:01)
3. How to Recognise Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away (30:54)
4. Owl-Stretching Time (29:11)
5. Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the 20th Century (28:53)
6. The BBC Entry for the Zinc Stoat of Budapest a.k.a. It's the Arts (29:32)
7. You're No Fun Anymore (29:49)
Disc 2
8. Full Frontal Nudity (29:03)
9. The Ant, an Introduction (28:50)
10. Untitled (30:38)
11. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom (30:57)
12. The Naked Ant (31:33)
13. Intermission (29:24)
Disc 3
14. Dinsdale! a.k.a. Face the Press! (30:14)
15. The Spanish Inquisition (30:15)
16. Déjà Vu (30:08)
17. The Buzz Aldrin Show (30:07)
18. Live from the Grill-o-Mat (29:56)
19. It's a Living (29:52)
20. The Attila the Hun Show (27:30)
Disc 4
21. Archaeology Today (29:27)
22. How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body (30:06)
23. Scott of the Antarctic (29:51)
24. How Not to Be Seen (29:09)
25. Spam (30:29)
26. Royal Episode 13 (30:13)
Disc 5
27. Njorl's Saga a.k.a. Whicker's World (30:55)
28. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular (29:11)
29. The Money Programme (28:47)
30. Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror (29:59)
31. The All-England Summarise Proust Competition (30:47)
32. The War Against Pornography (28:28)
33. Salad Days (28:43)
Disc 6
34. The Cycling Tour (31:05)
35. The Nude Man a.k.a. The Nude Organist (30:45)
36. E. Henry Thripshaw's Disease (27:55)
37. Dennis Moore (31:28)
38. A Book at Bedtime (26:49)
39. The British Showbiz Awards a.k.a. Grandstand (26:40)
Disc 7
40. The Golden Age of Ballooning (28:10)
41. Michael Ellis (28:48)
42. The Light Entertainment War (30:19)
43. Hamlet (27:27)
44. Mr. Neutron (27:37)
45. Party Political Broadcast (28:18)
Disc 8
"Before the Flying Circus" documentary (55:32)
"Monty Python Conquers America" documentary (54:54)
"Animated Gilliam" featurette (16:20)
"Politically Incorrect" Deleted Scene a.k.a. the "Party Political Choreographer" sketch missing from Episode 38 (taken from the only remaining – inferior – source) (3:06) -
Subtitles:Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono
Hungarian Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono (Discs 1 and 2 only)
Polish Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono (Discs 1 and 2 only) -
Case type:Special Case
Notes:Foldout 4–panel digipack in "TV set" card box.
Disks also encoded for Regions 4 & 5. Poor image quality – too many episodes on one disk, resulting in compression artefacts. -
Special thanks to Rewind user cobalt271 for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Between the R0 SE ("16 Ton Megaset"), for containing the entire series plus two additional bonus discs, as well as some minor extras spread over the other 14 discs, and the R2 "Complete Box Set", for featuring uncut episodes 31, 33 and 38 (apart from one sketch), and an eighth bonus disc filled with extras different from those found on the R0.
R0 America - The Complete Series- A&E - numerous audio/video edits, including:
Episode 19: "It's a Living" - word substitution during the animated Prince and the Black Spot segment: "cancer" is replaced with "gangrene".
Episode 24: missing "Satan Animation"
Episode 31: "The All-England Summarise Proust Competition" - removal of the word 'masturbation' in the Summarizing Proust sketch.
Episode 31: "The All-England Summarise Proust Competition" - removal of the line "what a silly bunt" during the Travel Agent sketch.
Episode 33: "Salad Days" - missing dialogue in the Biggles Dictates a Letter sketch: "I'm not a Spanish person. You must call me-".
Episode 38: missing "Party political choreographer" sketch.
Episode 38: "A Book at Bedtime" - removal of several minutes' footage at the end of the episode. - R0 Special Edition America - The Complete Series- A&E - numerous audio/video edits, as detailed above.
- R2 Europe - Season 1- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - No cuts.
R2 Europe - Season 2- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Yes:
Episode 19: "It's a Living" - word substitution during the animated Prince and the Black Spot segment: "cancer" is replaced with "gangrene".
Episode 24: missing "Satan Animation" - R2 Europe - Season 3- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Episode 38: missing "Party political choreographer" sketch. Otherwise, no cuts in episodes 31, 33 and 38.
- R2 Europe - Season 4- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - No cuts
- R2 Spain- Manga Films - Yes, as per US release.
R2 United Kingdom - The Complete Box Set- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - audio/video edits including:
Episode 19: "It's a Living" - word substitution during the animated Prince and the Black Spot segment: "cancer" is replaced with "gangrene".
Episode 24: missing "Satan Animation".
Episode 38: missing "Party political choreographer" sketch.
R0 America - The Complete Series- A&E - numerous audio/video edits, including:
Do you own a release not listed? Then please visit our forums and let us know!
Comparison added by The Rewind Team on 23/08/02
Comparison last updated by Vincent_Bouche on 10/02/09UPDATE LOG: